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- Resolution 23-18
- Resolution 23-17 Adoption Certification – Fire District Budget 23-17
- Resolution 23-16
- Resolution 23-15
- Resolution 23-14 – Establishing Compensation for Members of the Board
- Resolution 23-13 Final Resolution and Hold Harmless – Disposal of property Tahoe
- Resolution 23-12- Authorizing Appointment of Labor and Employment Attorney
- Resolution 23-11- Appointing Koerner ^0 Koerner^J PA for accounting services
- Resolution 23-10 – Appointing Holman^J Frenia^J Allison^J PC for auditing services
- Resolution 23-08 – Authorizing Reappointment of Qualified Purchasing Agent
- Resolution 23-07 – Designation of Surety Bonding for Commissioners
- Resolution 23-06 – Adoption of Cash Management Plan
- Resolution 23-05 – Authorization Approval and Payment of Claims
- Resolution 23-04 Designation of Official Newspapers
- Resolution 23-03-Authorization Regular Meetings
- Resolution 23-02 – Authorization Adoption of 2021 Audit
- Resolution 23-01 Authorizing the Execution of a Separation and Release Agreement
- Resolution 22-19 Temporary Budget for 2022
- Resolution 22-17 MPFD Budget Resolution 2023
- Resolution 22-16 Establishing the Compensation for Members of the Board of Fire Commissioners 2023
- Resolution 22-15 – Closed Session
- Resolution 22-14 Closed Session
- Resolution 22-13 – Closed Session
- Resolution 22-12 – Closed Session
- Resolution 22-11 – Audit
- Resolution 22-10 – Closed Session
- Resolution 22-09 – Auditor-2022
- Resolution 22-08 – Attorney-NonFair-2022
- Resolution 22-07 – Purchasing Agent- Cheryl Parker 2022
- Resolution 22-06 – Biviano-Labor Attorney-2022
- Resolution 22-05 – SURETY-2022
- Resolution 22-04 – Cash Management-2022
- Resolution 22-02 – NEWSPA-2022
- Resolution 22-01 – Meetings resolution 2022
- Resolution 21-23 – Authorizing and Approving Execution of Agreement with Fire Company Relative to Rental of Firehouse
- Resolution 21-20 Establishing the Compensation for Members of the Board of Fire Commissioners
- Resolution 21-19 Budget 2021
- Resolution 21-18 Cost Recovery Agreement
- Resolution 21-17
- Resolution 21-16 Auditor-2021
- Resolution 21-15 Attorney-NonFair-2021
- Resolution 21-14 Purchasing Agent- Cheryl Parker-21-14
- Resolution 21-13 Attorney-NonFair-21-13
- Resolution 21-12 SURETY-21-12
- Resolution 21-11 CashManagement-21-11
- Resolution 21-10 PAYCLAIM-21-10
- Resolution 21-09 NEWSPA-21-09
- Resolution 21-08
- Resolution 21-07
- Resolution 21-06- Equipment Disposal
- Resolution 21-05- Equipment Disposal
- Resolution 21-04
- Resolution 21-03 Closed Session
- Resolution 21-02- Equipment Disposal
- Resolution 21-01 – Amend the Budget
- Resolution 20-19
- Resolution 20-18
- Resolution 20-17
- Resolution 20-16
- Resolution 20-15
- Resolution 20-14 (pending)
- Resolution 20-13 – Equipment Disposal
- Resolution 20-12
- Resolution 20-11
- Resolution 20-10
- Resolution 20-09
- Resolution 20-08
- Resolution 20-07
- Resolution 20-06
- Resolution 20-05
- Resolution 20-04
- Resolution 20-03
- Resolution 20-02
- Resolution 20-01
- 2019 Resolution list
- Resolution 19-25
- Resolution 19-24
- Resolution 19-23
- Resolution 19-22
- Resolution 19-21
- Resolution 19-20
- Resolution 19-19
- Resolution 19-18
- Resolution 19-17
- Resolution 19-16
- Resolution 19-15
- Resolution 19-14
- Resolution 19-13
- Resolution 19-12
- Resolution 19-11
- Resolution 19-10
- Resolution 19-09
- Resolution 19-08
- Resolution 19-07
- Resolution 19-06
- Resolution 19-05
- Resolution 19-04
- Resolution 19-03
- Resolution 19-02
- Resolution 19-01
- RESO 1838
- RESO 1837
- RESO 1836
- RESO 1835
- RESO 1834
- RESO 1833
- RESO 1832
- RESO 1831
- RESO 1830
- RESO 1829
- RESO 1828
- RESO 1827
- RESO 1826
- RESO 1825
- RESO 1824
- RESO 1823
- RESO 1822
- RESO 1821
- RESO 1820
- RESO 1819
- RESO 1818
- RESO 1817
- RESO 1816
- RESO 1815
- RESO 1814
- RESO 1813
- RESO 1812
- RESO 1811
- RESO 1810
- RESO 1809
- RESO 1808
- RESO 1807
- RESO 1806
- RESO 1805
- RESO 1804
- RESO 1803
- RESO 1802
- RESO 1801
- RESO 1734 December 2017 closing of meeting
- RESO 1733 Resolution December 2017 Authorizing budget transfers for 2017 budget
- RESO 1732 Resolution December 2017 adoption of temporary budget
- RESO 1731 Resolution November 2017 closing of meeting
- RESO 1730 Resolution October 2017 closing of meeting
- RESO 1729 Resolution September 2017 closing of meeting
- RESO 1728 Resolution August 2017 disposal personal property
- RESO 1727 Resolution August 2017 closing of meeting
- RESO 1726 August authorizing local finance board application 2017
- RESO 1725 August authorizing award of contract relative to financing bid 2017
- RESO 1724 July closing of meeting 2017
- RESO 1723 July authorizing disposal of personal property 2017
- RESO 1722 July authorizing advertisement for bids for financing a lease with an option to purchase self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) equipment 2017
- RESO 1721 July approving and authorizing execution of agreement with Howell fire district No. 5 2017
- RESO 1720 June closing of meeting 2017
- RESO 1719 June lay off of personnel, career firefighters for reasons of economy and efficiency 2017
- RESO 1718 June authorizing the filing of an involuntary ordinary disability retirement application for firefighter and fire official Frank Giacolone 2017
- RESO 1717 June approving and authorizing execution of shared services agreement relative to enforcement of fire safety act 2017
- RESO 1716 May closing of meeting 2017
- RESO 1715 April closing of meeting 2017
- RESO 1714 March closing of meeting 2017
- RESO 1713 March Designation of official newspapers for publications for the 2017-2018 year 2017
- RESO 1712 March designating Surety bonding for commissioners 2017
- RESO 1711 March authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for labor and employment attorney 2017
- RESO 1710 March authorizing the award of a non fair and open contract for legal services 2017
- RESO 1709 March authorizing the award of a non fair and open contract for auditing services 2017
- RESO 1708 March authorizing the award of a non fair and open contract for accounting services 2017
- RESO 1707 March authorizing reappointment of qualified purchasing agent 2017
- RESO 1706 March authorizing disposal of personal property 2017
- RESO 1705 March authorizing approval and payment of claims 2017
- RESO 1704 March adoption of cash management plan 2017
- RESO 1703 February closing of meeting 2017
- RESO 1702 February disposal of personal property 2017
- RESO 1701 January closing of meeting 2017
- RESO 1625
- RESO 1624
- RESO 1623
- RESO 1622
- RESO 1621
- RESO 1620
- RESO 1619
- RESO 1618
- RESO 1617
- RESO 1616
- RESO 1614 Closed Meeting 4-11-2016
- RESO 1614 Closed Meeting 1–2016
- RESO 1613 Bonding
- RESO 1612 approval and payment
- RESO 1611- Newspapers
- RESO 1610 Cash Management
- RESO 1609 Meeting Schedule
- RESO 1608-Accounting-2015
- RESO 1607 Attorney
- RESO 1606 Purchasing Agent-2016
- RESO 1605 Closed Meeting 1-11-2016
- RESO 1604 Equipment disposal
- RESO 1603 Closed Meeting 1-11-2016
- RESO 1602 – Fire Official Appointment 2016
- RESO 1601 Budget
- RESO 1535 Closed Meeting 12-14-2015
- RESO 1534 Temporary Budget-2016
- RESO 1533 Closed Meeting 11-9-2015
- RESO 1532 Closed Meeting 9-14-2015
- RESO 1531 Closed Meeting 8-10-2015
- RESO 1530 2014 Audit Report
- RESO 1529 Authorizing Sale Utiity Truck
- RESO 1528 Lease with Vol-FC-2015
- RESO 1527 Closed Meeting7-13-2015
- RESO 1526 Disposal of Various Equipment-2015
- RESO 1525 Utility Truck-2015
- RESO 1524 Auditor-2015 Holman
- RESO 1523-Accounting-2015
- RESO 1522 Closed Session
- RESO 1521 Closed Session
- RESO 1520 Equipment disposal
- RESO 1519 Radios
- RESO 1518 Safety
- RES0 1517 Biviano-Investigation
- RESO 1516 Closed Meeting-4-13-2015
- RESO 1515 Closed Session
- RESO 1514 Hiring Per Diem Fire Inspector
- RESO 1513 Closed Session
- RESO 1512 Bonding
- RESO 1511 approval and payment
- RESO 1510 Newspapers
- RESO 1509 Cash Management
- RESO 1508 Meeting Schedule
- RESO 1507 Attorney
- RESO 1506 Closed Session
- RESO 1505 Ambulance Donation
- RESO 1504 Closed Session
- RESO 1503 Adopting Fiscal Year
- RESO 1502 Closed Session
- RESO 1501 Insurance-VFIS-2015
- RESO 1430 Closed Session
- RESO 1429 Closed Session
- RESO 1428 Temporary Budget-2015
- RESO 1427 Closed Session
- RESO 1426 Closed Session
- RESO 1424 Closed Session
- RESO 1421
- RESO 1420 Local_Finance_Bd_Findings
- RESO 1419
- RESO 1418
- RESO 1417
- RESO 1416
- RESO 1403
- RESO 1402
- RESO 1327
- RESO 1326
- RESO 1325
- RESO 1324
- RESO 1322
- RESO 1321
- RESO 1320
- RESO 1319
- RESO 1318
- RESO 1317
- RESO 1316
- RESO 1315
- RESO 1314
- RESO 1313
- RESO 1312
- RESO 1311
- RESO 1310
- RESO 1309
- RESO 1308
- RESO 1307
- RESO 1306
- RESO 1305
- RESO 1304
- RESO 1303
- RESO 1302
- RESO 1301
- RESO 1222
- RESO 1221
- RESO 1220
- RESO 1219
- RESO 1218
- RESO 1217
- RESO 1216
- RESO 1215
- RESO 1214
- RESO 1213
- RESO 1212
- RESO 1211
- RESO 1210
- RESO 1209
- RESO 1208
- RESO 1207
- RESO 1206
- RESO 1205
- RESO 1204
- RESO 1203
- RESO 1202
- RESO 1201
- RESO1201a